Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dad's Computer Table

We have a nice computer table in our palace...

That's where I play...

study...                                      and shit.. sorry sit..

or do things I like...

Love you ma

Monday, November 1, 2010

Princess Visit

I heard someone telling that I'm just a playful kid and do not hold the pride of a princess...

So, I decided to go out one day to see them face to face.. Hmm that was fun.. now no one can tell that she's after all a kid..

Janani, the princess of people's hearts ... :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Dad...

One fine day, I broke my cute little puppy toy...

and was expecting Dad to scold me...                      but he didn't...

because, He loves me lot...

Love you Dad

Princess Janani

Once up on a time there was a little cute princess called Janani, she was so pretty and playful...
Her parents wants her to be brave like Jansi Rani and to shine like Cleopatra...

They believed that she will become world famous one day...